Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Holiday Photo Phrenzy!!

Oh, hello. I didn't notice you standing there as I play on my play mat. Notice how I'm sitting up? Yeah . . . I do that. No big deal. Just sitting up and stuff. Interested in what I did over the Christmas-type holidays? Well, let me take you on a trip through the magic of photography. Come with me, won't you?

WON'T YOU?!?!?!?!?

My Grandma and Grandpa Larson live in Iowa. I've been there before. But this time my parents made me wear a ridiculous outfit.

Then I hung around and took pictures with my Grandma. She knows where my smiley button is, apparently. But here's what I don't get: Why do I have to wear this get-up when my parents get to dress normally?

They should have to wear something festive, too.

Here's a Christmas tree.
Ok, now you're getting into my space. My mom is taking a picture of me on her cell phone, because I am adorable. OBVIOUSLY.

I love my Grandma and Grandpa, and when we were in Iowa, I got to meet my Aunt Christi, Uncle Brandon, and my Cousin Kendall!! (I met Jordyn back when I got baptized. I remember my baptism.)

My cousins loved me so much! They took good care of me, which isn't easy, because I'm still a little floppy. I think my mom and dad liked having other people around to take care of me so they could have a vacation. My dad listened to his iPod a fair amount.

Then we came back to Minnesota, and it was time for another party! We went to our friends Ryan and Laura's house for New Year's Eve. I was ready to party, as you can see:

My Step-godmother Haley knows what's going on. You'd think my Uncle Graham isn't a responsible Godfather, giving me beer and stuff, but check this out:

Here he is talking with me about the Small Catechism. My god-Methodist Theresa was there, so he had some competition. Who's this John Wesley I keep hearing about? Anyway, then there was a DOG!!

I liked that dog. It licked my face. But in case you were worried, my Uncle Graham protected me by putting her in a headlock.

I've still got my eyes on that beer. Then we played Rock Band!!

Actually, I was sleeping upstairs. I missed seeing the ball drop!

Well, that's most of the holidays I celebrated this year. We were busy. My parents didn't even get a chance to dress me in this outfit. I'd tell you more about it, . . .

But I am quite sleepy.

1 comment:

Annie P said...

Thanks for the tour, Owen. I wondered how your first Christmas went. I know your Grandma Larson really well and am so happy you got to spend some festive time with her and Grandpa. I miss having her live closer as she's a great person to talk to and hang around.
Love and hugs from across Lake Michigan and over Wisconsin,
Annie (your 2nd cousin)